The Theory of Broadband
Broadband is nothing but a telecommunications signal which has a broader bandwidth. It was originated as an application of radio engineering but the word was popularized by the organization known as Media One. It started as a promotion in the year 1996 with the notion to offer high speed data transfer within a network of connected computers. Nowadays broadband has become an essential part of our day to day life.
This telecommunication signals are use d through telephone analog systems. These analog systems are nothing but our telephone line which communicates through analog waves. As the computer understands and read digital signals so in a broadband a machine is employed converts analog signals into digital and vice versa. This machine is known as modem. A broad bandwidth connection is not possible without a modem and a router.
Router is nothing but a machine which redirects the specific signals to specific networks. A bandwidth connection implies a server and a client prodigy. Bandwidth requires three elements without which it cannot take place. These elements are a telephone line, a modem, and a computer. Other than the ISP provider needs servers and router to redirect the communication services to the client which is nothing but the person using the bandwidth.
This telecommunication technology has become a breakthrough in communication values which has amplified the spectrum of media. This has allowed us to transfer huge amount of data within no time and has opened no avenues over the internet. Data sharing portals such as YouTube wouldn’t be possible without broader bandwidth.
YouTube hosts video in its database and it is not possible to buffer those without narrow bandwidth. Without high level of broadband services community portals such as face book and MySpace would not be present over the internet. This has surely been a revolutionary achievement in the field of IT and in the field of communication.
Source by Jimmy Jenkins Ray