Is A Divan Bed The Most Useful Type Of Bed?
There are many types of beds available for you to choose from including metal beds, wooden beds, sleigh beds, TV beds and of course Divan Beds.
When choosing the right bed for your particular purpose and style, it is important to decide on a number of factors that can influence your choice. Which room is the bed for, spare room, guest room, or main bedroom? What size is the bedroom in which the bed will reside? Is it used just for sleeping in or is the bedroom used for other activities as in the case of students where they may need to study etc. Finally how much can you want to spend on a new bed? All these factors must be considered before deciding on which bed is the most suitable ..
Divan beds are very adaptable and can be used in almost all of these situations. They are ideal for small bedrooms or for the most luxurious of bedrooms. They also have one very big advantage over other types of beds, in that they nearly always include extra storage space built into base of the bed, making excellent use of all the space in the bedroom.
Divan beds are made from a wooden box construction and covered with fabric. The more expensive ones have a spring surface supporting the mattress giving extra comfort and support. Built into the sides are storage drawers. In single beds there are usually two but in double beds the four storage drawers are found two on each side. When looking at the storage drawers it is well worth considering to choose ones that are designed with smaller drawers at the head of the bed. This will allow them to be opened even if there are bedside tables adjacent to the bed head.
Divan beds are also very versatile in that they can be used as single or double. In most cases if you want a double bed then two single beds are zipped together. This can be very beneficial for partners who like different firmness of mattress because of back problems etc. Another advantage of having two single beds which can be zipped together is that they can be used as two single beds or a double. This can be very useful in a guest room when some of your guests may want single beds whereas others will want a double bed.
A Divan be in a teenagers or child's bedroom can be practical. Because of the extra storage facilities this allows the bedroom, which is usually much smaller, to have less free standing storage faculties. A children's bedroom usually has other functions in that it is used as their work and leisure room and has their computer etc. in the room. The Divan bed is then used as a seating area for the person to relax in while listening to CDs or doing homework etc.
Undoubtedly the Divan bed is the perfect workhorse for the bedroom. It is not only a bed but it can be a couch and storage facility and can be joined together to make into a double bed as required. This unmatched versatility of the Divan bed makes it the ideal choice when deciding on a new bed.
For more information and a wide choice of Divan Beds log onto – http://www.mattressnextday.co.uk where you will find a wide range to suit every pocket
Source by Sonny Luwis