How Secure Is A VPN?
When it comes to Internet security, users should be careful. There are malicious parties at many Wi-Fi hotspots, waiting to hack into a user’s personal information. Sensitive information such as emails, instant messages and credit card information are all susceptible to being hacked if they are not properly secured. This is where a Virtual Private Network, or VPN, comes in handy. However, most users who do not know what a VPN consists of are likely to question how secure they really are. A VPN is able to protect users in ways that anti-virus software and firewalls cannot. Though these programs can be used in conjunction with the VPN, they only protect the device itself. They do not protect data transmitted to or from the device.
Here are some advantages that a VPN is able to offer in terms of Internet security:
Prevent Deep Packet Inspection
Internet Service Providers, or ISPs, are known for tracking user activities online. ISPs use this information as a means of inspecting, throttling and prioritizing the data that is sent to and from user devices. This means slower speeds for users who don’t connect with a VPN. When users access the Internet using a secure VPN, they defeat deep packet inspection. The ISP is not able to see the user’s activities. They are only able to see that they are communicating with the VPN’s server. All of the information the user sends and receives is encrypted and private.
Connect Via Wi-Fi without Worry
Users who connect to the Internet using mobile devices often take advantage of free Wi-Fi connections at coffee shops, restaurants, airports, libraries and more. Doing so puts the user’s information at risk. Wi-Fi connections typically have no security. Anyone can use them. This means hackers and other malicious third parties are able to access the user’s device with ease. They steal sensitive information and install malicious software of unprotected devices. Using a VPN can ensure that no matter where the user connects to the Internet, their data is not vulnerable.
Eliminate the Threat of Data Sniffers
A data sniffer is software that can be used both legitimately and illegitimately. Hackers use data sniffers to steal a user’s personal information and other valuable information. This can include instant messenger conversations, sensitive credit card information and emails. With a VPN, a data sniffer will only see scrambled information initially. It will not be able to decipher it.
Use on Various Devices
A VPN can be used on many devices, including desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets, smart phones and even many wireless routers. When setting up the VPN, there are protocol options that the user can choose from. The protocol used determines the speed, stability and security of the VPN connection.
When a user connects with a VPN, the most important factor that is going to influence the security is the VPN provider itself. If the provider offers all of these features and maintains its own infrastructure, the user can be sure they are getting a capable and quality service.
Source by George Baylor