Fashionista Daughters All the Rage in 2009
It was bound to happen. High fashion for your daughter. Girls have always been discerning when it comes to fashion (with a little help from you) but in recent years girls, tweens and teens are intent on making a real fashion statement. Notice celeb daughter Suri Cruise in her designer duds toddling across the pages of People and other celebrity laden magazines…
It was bound to happen. Why? Because moms are a lot more fashionable than a generation ago. There was a time when once women became parents they were automatically relegated to the ranks of frumpy and almost anti-fashion. It was considered a bit self-absorbed to be concerned about your own appearance once baby came along. No longer. Remember, it wasn’t long ago when we didn’t have “Desperate Housewives,” “Project Runway,” Victoria Beckham and other Hollywood examples of sexy motherhood.
And it was a welcome relief to millions of moms that they no longer were expected to abandon fashion and yes, even a little sexiness every day to be considered a good mom. Is it any surprise your daughters has watched your example, wants to follow your lead and she now expects a high fashion look, too?
However, most moms feel what’s appropriate for them doesn’t necessarily translate to your daughter’s look. After all, lacy, silk camisoles for the grammar school set lack a certain degree of modesty for girls. Many mother’s want to encourage their daughter’s fashion sense but in a way that’s age-appropriate. So, how do moms find fashion for their daughters’ that’s fun without buying another Hannah Montana T-shirt?
Almost as much as girls love looking great like mom they also love expressing themselves and their personality with their clothes. Letting them choose between what you believe are appropriate options is one way to keep her on the right track. Another is to let your daughter choose one special accessory to go with her jeans (a fashion staple) which gives her complete design flexibility.
Consider XpressIt belts found at http://www.xpressitdesigns.com with Twistonz give your daughter total flexibility expressing her personality and her mood with one special accessory. The belts come in a variety of hot fashion colors for Spring 2009. Including mimosa yellow, classic red, aqua blue, lime green and perfect white. Grommet holes all the way around the belt give girls a virtual canvas to affix the Twistonz, little discs made in America about the size of a penny with cute pictures, sayings and symbols.
Your daughter can choose the color(s) she likes best and the Twistonz provide her with an opportunity to express herself. From spelling out her name around the belt to Twistonz that express a passion for going green, sports, shopping and more. My favorites are the ones with popular text message sayings like “OMG,” “LOL” and “BFF.” Plenty of choices are available and the site features an Ideas page to inspire her and spark her creativity.
In fact, the belts are so hot they were featured in holiday gifts bags given to Hollywood celeb-moms like Heidi Klum, Brooke Shields and Debra Messing.
American designer James Androuais came up with the idea when he noticed the popularity of MySpace and Facebook and noticed how much girls love expressing themselves with their friends. Based in St. Louis, 22 year old Androuais says, “I wanted girls to have something that’s special, all their own and fun to wear.”
Having something cool and uniquely her own to wear is what girls want and need to make that same pair of blue jeans and a T-shirt or blouse look fresh for spring 2009. She can be updated for spring without purchasing a new wardrobe. ExpressIt belts also give girls, tweens and teens a fashion choice that’s wholesome and age appropriate.
Source by Denise M. Michaels